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Scientific Name : Pimpinella Anisum.

Common Name : Anise, Aniseed

Arabic Name : يانسون

Plant Family : Apiaceae  

Anise (pronounced [an-is]) is a sweet and very aromatic herb, distinguished by its characteristic flavor.  The seeds, whole or grinded, are used for preparation of tea (alone or in combination with other aromatic herbs), as well as in a wide variety of regional and ethnic confectioneries of breads, cookies and cakes all over the world. The flavorings are used in black jelly beans, British aniseed balls, Australian humbugs, New Zealand aniseed wheels, Italian pizzelle, German Pfeffernüsse and Springerle, Austrian Anisbögen, Dutch muisjes, New Mexican bizcochitos, and Peruvian picarones (just to name a few).  The native Palestinian anise herb has smaller seeds, with a robust sweet taste that resembles licorice. 

Health benefits associated with anise

There are many important health benefits that can be gained from using this plant, including better digestion, relief from premenstrual symptoms, antioxidant protection, and aid in weight loss efforts. These benefits are largely due to the antioxidants present in this plant, such as anethole. Some of the other areas of relief include:

Improved digestive function

Relief from symptoms of asthma

Delay in progress of cataracts

Expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties


Strengthened immune system [5]

Respiratory booster

Reduction in seizure frequency

Improved metabolic function

Weight loss

Prevention of insomnia

Increased heart health

Improved metabolism

Treatment of scabies

Treatment of psoriasis

Prevention of thrombosis

Aid in the relief of constipation

Increased libido

Relief from PMS symptoms

Antispasmodic abilities

Postpartum depression

Relief from type-2 diabetes