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Scientific Name : Rhus Coriaria L.

Common Name : Tanners Sumach

Arabic Name : سمّاق

Plant Family : Anacardiaceae 

This spice is heavily used in the Middle Eastern cuisine in various ways to add a tart, lemony, and spicy taste to meals. In Arab cuisine, it is used as a garnish on meze dishes such as hummus and added to salads and meat in the Levant. In Iranian (Persian and Kurdish) cuisines, sumac is added to rice or kebab. In Jordanian and Turkish cuisines, it is added to salad-servings of kebab and lahmacun. Rhus coriaria is used in the spice mixture Za’atar. In Palestine, sumac is the one of the main ingredient in the national meal of holy land (Musakhan) a dish, composed of roasted chicken baked with onions, sumac, allspice, saffron, and toasted pine nuts served over taboon bread, with lots of olive oil. The Palestinian sumac is a wild shup growing only in certain mountainous areas of the holy land. Harvesting wild sumac requires an intensive time and labor due to the location of shrubs and the hardship of preparing spice. This native Palestinian strain has stronger lemony/tart flavor, darker brownish color and sharper aroma than other sumac strains in the Mediterranean region.

Health benefits of Sumac 


A super anti-oxidant, and packed with vitamin C which means it can help ward off diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.


Inflammation is thought to be the cause of most diseases and Sumac is an anti-inflammatory spice that helps fight various disorders, colds and the Flu.

Has been studied to be effective in regulating cholesterol levels and treating diabetes by reducing blood sugar.

Anti-fungal & Anti-microbial

Sumac is Anti-microbial and anti-fungal spice which can help treat skin inflammation and disorders. It has also been studied to be effective in fighting bacteria like Salmonella and can be used to safely disinfect fruits and vegetables.

Can increase breast milk production and ease menstrual cramps.

Sumac is a Diuretic which means it helps remove toxins from the body through urine and has been used traditionally to treat urine infections and digestive problems.